Monday, July 12, 2010

Help Raise Money for Haitian Earthquake Relief

Image copyright Wings, 2010; all rights reserved.

Today is the 6-month anniversary of the devastating Haiti earthquake. Very little has changed since January 12th: A quarter of a million people are dead; hundreds of thousands more are suffering from terrible injuries; and more yet are homeless and living under plastic tarps in makeshift camps where disease is rampant. It's now hurricane season, and conditions are going to get much worse very rapidly.

Over at DK, we're holding a fundraiser for some of the organizations that are working to make a difference on the ground in Haiti. We have $700 in matching funds, but we're hoping to far exceed that: Our last such fundraiser, three months ago, raised $3200.

Wings has designed and crafted a pendant exclusively for the fundraiser, and we're auctioning it off in the DK diary. So if you're a DK member, come and bid - current bid is for $200, from one of my dear friends, but let's take this much higher, and help provide food, shelter, and medical care for some folks who are battling to survive conditions that, Spirit willing, none of us will ever know.

Chi miigwech and ta'a.

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