Monday, February 24, 2014

For Love of a Child

Photo copyright Patricia Hughes, 2014; all rights reserved.

Let me introduce you to Katie. 

She's the stepdaughter of my friend, Patricia Hughes, and the biological daughter of Patti's husband.

She needs your help.

It's a situation involving shared custody with another parent allegedly battling addiction. There is now a third party in the picture, along with allegations of domestic violence. And Katie says she was physically injured.

These situations are legally difficult, financially ruinous, and psychologically devastating. The first problem can be alleviated a bit if Patti and Rob can hire an expert lawyer. But that gets to the second problem. And that's where we all come in.

So that we can prevent the third problem from occurring.

The retainer's going to take $7,500. That's just a first step; these are long-haul battles, and the costs rise accordingly. The immediate goal is double that: $15,000. Believe me, it's modest.

We're already in for $25. It's not much, but if everyone who reads this matches it, we're talking a few hundred already. And if everyone in your networks matches it, pretty soon, the retainer's covered.

Here's the GoFundMe page. If you can, please give. If you can't, please share. With everyone.

For love of a child.