Saturday, February 15, 2014

Making It Rain

Image copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

Okay, peeps.  Here's the deal: I gotta make it rain.

This is our slow season every year, but this year, it's slower than normal. That's largely the economy; the whole region is hurting badly.

Knowing that doesn't pay the bills, though.

So I'm going to do what I should have swallowed my pride and done a long time ago.

I'm going to turn this into something more content-heavy. Yes, there'll still be plenty of light-hearted (and not so light-hearted) content about dogs and horses and other day-to-day stuff. But I'm going to focus on my causes here, too. Most of you already know what those are: American Indian rights and issues; anti-racism (and other -isms and -phobias); the environment; animals; Wings's art; and helping people who need help. You notice I didn't mention politics. Well, every one of those is inherently political. That will underscore everything that gets posted here - hell, it already does - in one way or another, even if it's not immediately apparent.

Because I am very, very pressed for spare time between now and mid-May, I'll begin by cross-posting some of my better stuff from Daily Kos. You may have seen some of it; you've probably missed some, too. Either way, you probably know other people who'd be interested in some of them for one reason or another, so if you see something that would interest someone you know, I'd be grateful for shares and so forth.

And if they, or you, are ever so inclined (and can afford it; if you can't, please, please, please — don't!), hit the PayPal link at the upper right and drop a few pennies in the till.

They'll be much appreciated. Not just by us, but by four chickens, four dogs, and six horses, too.

Chi miigwech.

Maybe there's a reason for my site-loading issues at DK after all . . . ?


  1. Gave you some chicken feed, Darlin, and spread the word. I love you. ♥

    1. Yes, hon - got your scratch! Thank you, thank you. Love you lots, woman!

      P.S. Wings says hi to the hot nurse. :-D

    2. Tell my IHM I wore his pin yesterday. No special event; I just felt like spoiling myself and stuck it on a ragged sweatshirt. Hugggs to you both.

    3. HahaHAAA!!! Okay; will do. He'll be happy to hear it. :-D

  2. I would love to be able to read your posts. Please: post ... post ... post. (Nurse Kelley is spreading the word).

    1. Oh. my. god. JanF!!! Hi, hon! I will. I think the universe has been trying to tell me, and as usual, I'm just too dense to get it until I get hammered over the head by life. :-D

      And Kelley rocks. As usual.

  3. just stopped by to say hi and wish you and wings well...sent a few droplets ur way.

  4. [Smooch] I just left you a little note by way of thank-you on FB, darlin'. So happy to see you again - Happy New Year to you and Mrs. Bubba!

  5. Hi! so GREAT to see you posting regularly again! don't see place for my name, but this is PDNC! YES, a FIRST COMMENT. :)

    gonna hit publish, see if it works.

    1. YAY!!! It works! I dunno about name, because mine loads automatically, but what I see has Patriot Daily as your name here, so I know it's you. :-) Thanks for stopping by, darlin'!
