Thursday, February 20, 2014

La Plaza

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

In the oldest traditional villages across New Mexico, there is still one common feature and feature of the commons:  the plaza.

It's the public square, the place where the community meets to talk, share, argue, debate, sing, dance, and join together in common purpose.  Here, plazas predated the arrival of the first Europeans by centuries, perhaps millennia.  Nonetheless, like so much else in New Mexico, the old words for it are long since lost to public use, supplanted, accurately or not, by the Spanish labels.

And so it is with la plaza.

So I've chosen it as the name of a new series on this site: a semi-regular round-up of New Mexico news, issues, problems, causes, and whatever else from the state seems worthy of mention.

Most of the time, it won't feature the big national stories.  You can read those anywhere.  I want to focus on the stories that fly below the radar, the ones that have significant impacts in ways that are not necessarily immediately obvious, the ones that embody the essential New Mexico.  

This doesn't mean I won't write about subjects in the headlines; I may very well do a dedicated piece to, say, the leak at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant [WIPP] near Carlsbad.  Or I may incorporate a story like the one out of Valencia County, where a 15-year-old stands accused of the brutal murder of his 12-year-old friend, into a larger piece about the problems of youth violence in this state.  But those are more likely to be stand-alone pieces, not part of the series.  And pieces that do appear in this series may very well serve as springboards for lengthier analyses of their subjects.

With any luck, the first edition will be coming up later this evening.  I hope you enjoy it.

Copyright Ajijaakwe, 2014; all rights reserved.

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