Saturday, February 22, 2014

Sometimes you just have to count your blessings:

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.
Wednesday was a milestone for this little girl.

On November 19th, she was diagnosed with diabetes. [That's the result of starvation and severe malnutrition the first year of her life, before she found us.] She already had a cataract forming at the back of her right eye. The vet told us then that she would be fully blind in both eyes within two months.  

She passed that marker on January 19th.

Of course, I asked whether there was anything we could do to prevent it, and was told that the absolute best we could hope for, at the very outside, was four months before it her blindness complete. At that point, we knew with benefit of hindsight that she'd already been ill for more than a month, so effectively, that left no more than about 2.5 months for her vision.

Of course, when I want something, I've got a skull like a buffalo. So I did my research. Besides the dietary changes and insulin injections, she's getting daily supplements.

And at the moment, the right eye seems no worse, and there's no evidence of change in the left.

It's probably only buying time, but every day that She-Wolf can still see her beloved world is a good day.


  1. May She-Wolf continue to see your loving faces as she wakes up every morning. Hecate and Artemis' blessings to her and the rest of the pups, and to you.

    1. Thanks, darlin'! So far, so good. And we're so proud of her; she's so cooperative about being stuck four times a day (two tests; two injections).

  2. It's hard when the furbabies get sick. Glad to hear the supplements seem to be working, and positive energies that they continue to do so.

    1. Thanks, hon! Like I said to River, so far, so good. Of course, we'll adjust if/when things change, but the vet was SO definite (and SO negative) that right now, every day she defies that just makes us so happy. :-D
