Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Photo copyright Ajijaakwe, 2014; all rights reserved.
Not those kind of chicks.  What did you think I meant?

Six little strawberry blondes, Rhode Island Reds. We have a half-dozen black chicks reserved, too — Australorps, I hope.

Our four adults have returned to laying regularly again. If all the new girls make it, by this fall, we'll have eggs to give away again.

For now, it's a matter of keeping them warm and safe and fed and watered. I think they're covered.

Copyright Ajijaakwe, 2014; all rights reserved.


  1. Awww, so cute. They look soft and cuddly. :-D

    1. They are. Also noisy. :-)

      Also mildly wigged at the sudden change in their surroundings, but they seem happy enough with it. Amazing what constant access to food can do for one's mood, yeah? :-D

  2. Yep. Food, Drink, Shelter; three best things for mood I can think of (although I'd prefer something with some kick over water for the drink, LOL). :-)

  3. I have hyperthyrodism (graves) an autoimmune as well.
    People just don't know how give out one can get....
    Thinking of ya Kid !
