Friday, March 21, 2014

Coyote . . .

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.


Just so he can eff with me, like he's done all week.

There are a dozen [at least] posts in the pipeline. Every time I sit down to write, I get interrupted. Every time I go back to it, TaosNet crashes. Typical trickster stuff.

I'm tired.

And I think I need to swear off whatever it is that used to be Air American Radio. Ed Schultz, that fucking DINO hypocrite, is seriously bad for my blood pressure.

I mean, really, Ed: In one breath, you [former(?) Republican, current overprivileged bubble-blinded jerk] tell listeners that they need to "call Obama on the carpet" because you've decided he's insufficiently sympathetic to the working poor — and in the next, you spend fifteen fucking minutes extolling the virtues of your boats and regaling us working poor with tales of your exploits hiring private guides for your boating trips?

Here's a pro tip, Ed:  We working poor can't afford boats, much less private tour guides. We can't flip them. We don't spend our spring hours paging through boat catalogues, as you've said you do.

And it's really obnoxious to rub our noses in it while demanding that we persecute the first Black president for . . . What? Your ratings?

I know what President Obama has done and is still trying to do for us.

Tell me again what it is that you've ever done for us?

Yeah.  That's what I thought.

You make Coyote look like a saint.

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