Sunday, March 16, 2014

Finding Home

Last week, I published a Community Fundraisers post on behalf of our friend Tonya, and my sister River cross-posted it for me at Daily Kos. As a result of that effort, we managed to help Tonya raise a good chunk of the $5,000 she needs to get herself and her children out of a literally toxic housing situation and into a safe space.

But more is needed.

To that end, Kossack JekyllnHyde has generously posted a follow-up diary this evening. In true Jek fashion, it gives a tutorial on how we got here — how we all got here — and what that means for folks in the kind of situation where Tonya and her family find themselves, courtesy of the same people who put the hole country in a similar hole.

So please: Go tip and rec Jek's diary; let's get it on the rec list and keep there for visibility this evening. Share it via Twitter and Facebook and other other social media platforms you use. Share it with your real-life networks. And, of course, if you can, hit Tonya's GoFundMe page and kick in a few bucks.

It all adds up in a truly lifesaving way, and I can tell you personally that Tonya's already busy paying it forward, helping others.

Chi miigwech.

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