Saturday, March 1, 2014

Gifts of a Namesake

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

As though today's winter weather weren't blessing enough, another gift visited us this evening.

We were finishing up the evening chores — feeding horses, dogs, and chickens; making sure everyone has water; draining the hoses so they don't freeze; bringing the dog beds inside; all the other things that need doing every single night. I was taking the snow shovel up to the house to clean off the entry when I heard a familiar sound.

It's a sound that's unmistakable: a flock of sandhill cranes talking to each other as they fly in formation. They come from behind the peaks to the north, usually a flock or two, once in the spring. They're early this year; climate change again.

As in the past, they've circled around partway once they get directly overhead, as if to dip their wings and raise their beautiful voices in greeting to me, their much-lesser namesake, before flying onward on their migratory route.

Ajijaakwag. The Echo-Makers.

A beautiful and unexpected gift.

Copyright Ajijaakwe, 2014; all rights reserved.

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