Monday, March 17, 2014

Lucky Charms

I forgot to wear the green today.

My grandmother is no doubt rolling in her grave. She, of course, was half-Irish, unlike her husband, and unlike the family into which her daughter chose stubbornly to marry — the ones who were not, as she put it, "really our kind of people anyway." 

In other words, Indian.

Of course, the German half of her family no doubt felt similarly about the Irish side.

Fortunately, some of us can embrace all of our ancestry — and even acquire new relatives along the way.

I call this man cousin for obvious reasons, but through him I've acquired a second cousin, on the Irish side of the family: his beautiful wife.

It was she who made the bracelet for me shown in the photo above, to celebrate our shared heritage (and in my two favorite colors!). She also made the card shown below, and sent me a few traditional Irish lucky charms along with it.

Better yet, she somehow managed to time their arrival for St. Patrick's Day.

For those of you who have a need for beautiful homemade greeting cards, I suggest contacting her: She does gorgeous work. And while I'm not sure that she's making jewelry for sale on a regular basis, she does equally gorgeous beadwork — and I'd bet she'd take orders for commissioned pieces. 

If you're a member of Daily Kos, you can send her a private message here. If you're not a member, let me know and I'll put you in touch with her.

And Cousin, chi miigwech and go raibh maith agat!

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