Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Native Arts: Sculpture Sale — 25% Off! Spirits and Singers

Buffalo/Eagle Spirit by Emerson Gomez.  Photos copyright Ajijaakwe, 2013, 2014; all rights reserved.

This piece is a perfect example of the use of form and flow in crafting art infused with spirit of a solid piece of stone.

By the late Emerson Gomez (Taos Pueblo), this combined Eagle Spirit and Buffalo Spirit is rendered in Pilar slate, a beautiful charcoal-colored stone found in this area. 

When polished, it feels almost like soapstone, but it has subtle and mysterious matrices, usually in a deep blood-red. 

Here, the body flows upward and outward; the broadest point comes into focus as Buffalo, with delicate alabaster horns nearly the shade of pale amber. The other side flows into Eagle's fierce visage. From memory, I believe it stands about 8" tall, and rests on golden-brown alabaster base. SC048; retail, $255; sale price, $191.25 + s/h/i.

"Laying Down Buffalo" by Paul Dancebow.Photo copyright Ajijaakwe, 2013, 2014;
all rights reserved.
In keeping with the Buffalo theme, we have "Laying Down Buffalo," by Paul Dancebow (Taos Pueblo). [No grammar police, please; the artist gets to name his work whatever he wants.] This big, happy-looking guy is, if memory serves, about 8"-9" in length, and he is extremely heavy. He's made of steatite, or soapstone, imported from Canada, and the feel is complex: It manages to seem both warm and cool to the touch at the same time. On the reverse, his tail stands out in relief, curled around the back of his body. SC006; retail, $450; sale price, $337.50 + s/h/i. Weight requires special handling.

Traditional Pueblo Singer by Paul Dancebow.
Photo copyright Ajijaakwe, 2013, 2014;
all rights reserved.
And last, but by no means least, we have another piece by Paul Dancebow: a traditional singer. Carved of cedar, his upturned face is finely detailed, as is his long hair, tied back in  traditional style. He's wrapped in a blanket, and his body curves gently, following the natural line of the wood. He stands atop an alabaster base, golden in color with silver-white matrices throughout. 
Traditional Pueblo Singer by Paul Dancebow.
Photo copyright Ajijaakwe, 2013, 2014;
all rights reserved.

SC015; retail, $225; sale price, $168.75 + s/h/i.

Copyright Ajijaakwe, 2014; all rights reserved.

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