Monday, March 31, 2014

NDN Silver: Holding the Sky

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

Another ingot pendant, slightly larger, very solid and substantial. Against a backdrop of a round silver sky, sunrise symbols ring a hand overlay holding a star in the palm.

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.
On the reverse, a central Morning Star is tilted to the ordinal points, with hand-stamped rays of light reaching in the cardinal directions.

For those unfamiliar with the ingot-smithing process: Wings takes a lump or block of sterling silver, generally in a shape that's otherwise unusable, and melts it into a round ball. He then hammers the ball by hand on an anvil, until it reaches the desired size, shape, and thinness. Because it's all done by hand, shapes and edges are irregular. That's by design: He prefers the natural flow of the silver to a trimmed and tailored version that looks like it rolled off an assembly line.

The bail is stamped; it ships on a 17" snake chain.

$275 + $10 s/h/i.

Copyright Ajijaakwe, 2014; all rights reserved.

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