Friday, March 28, 2014

The Last Halfway-Decent Photo This Camera Will Ever Take

Photo copyright Ajijaakwe, 2014; all rights reserved.
Well, today is the day I have to say goodbye to my camera, apparently.

On March 20th, I took some shots of the new little chickie girls that came out brilliant in color and sharply defined. Four days later, I tried to get some of Miskwaki, and got a lot of white glare for my trouble.  I thought it was a setting.

So, having recharged the battery and skated through the settings to make sure everything was as it should be, I took a few of Lilith with her new present from Wings: a gigantic rawhide bone. And of a half-dozen shots, this — the first one taken — is the only one that's remotely useable.

Turns out it's a sensor. And it's a problem that been known since October, 2005 — a year before Wings bought the camera. Yes, this was his first digital; after he upgraded to a more professional model a few years ago, he bequeathed this one to me. So the professional in the household has a functional camera, and all is well. And frankly, we're lucky that this one lasted eight years; that doesn't appear to be the norm.

I'm strictly amateur hour, and I know it. The one he uses? Waaaaaaay over my head. But it's been fun to have a decent-quality little piece that could take the casual shots I want to grab at any given time.

So all this is by way of saying that from here on in, any photos by me that are posted here are going to ones taken previously. But I guess it's appropriate that the last shot using this one should be of my beautiful little girl having so much fun.

Copyright Ajijaakwe, 2014; all rights reserved.

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