Sunday, April 27, 2014


Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

Amazing what an incentive a spring storm can provide.

So a few minutes ago, I go outside in the snow to light the pilot for the water heater. Yes, snow. Only just over an inch on the ground, because last night's high winds drove most of it northeastward before it could collect.

But after 70-degree days, I guess even Ice wasn't prepared to stand out in that anymore. He's in the small stall. As in all the way in; none of this rump-only business.

He looks calm and happy.

Baby steps. Leaps and bounds.

1 comment:

  1. smart boy has discovered the magic of SHELTER! he is so beautiful! and now, he's warm, too!

    spoiled, he is - next he'll want to come in the kitchen for you to cut up some carrots! ;)
