Saturday, April 19, 2014


Big, BIG ups to our friend Raya Golden, who has been nominated for a Hugo Award!

The Hugo Awards are THE international literary award in the sci-fi and fantasy literature genre, so even being nominated is a huge honor. Raya's been nominated in the category "Best Graphic Story" for Meathouse Man. It's based on a novelette that George R.R. Martin wrote many years ago for an anthology, and he calls it "probably the darkest and most twisted thing [he's] ever written." With his permission, she adapted it for the graphic novel format and did all the illustrations. [She's one of his assistants, and she's also an absolute genius of an artist in her own right.]

Congrats, Raya, you brilliant groovy woman!  Big props and love from both of us.

To my peeps:  Y'all really should check out her art. And, you know, buy some of it.

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