Monday, April 14, 2014

Last day before opening — help us spread the word!

Today is going to be beyond crazy. I probably will not be available for anything at all between now and Wednesday other than getting ready for tomorrow's opening of Wings's one-man show.

Nature typically retains her acidic sense of humor: After getting into the 60s yesterday, we now have several inches of snow on the ground, with more coming down. Current temp, 19; wind chill, 13. But I've been up since 3 AM, so this represents a warm-up.

Consider this your reminder. Please share, like, tweet, e-mail, spread it far and wide. We want this show to be a success, not only for Wings, but for our hosts at the Jean Cocteau Cinema in Santa Fe. And, of course, if you or anyone you know wants to drop a few pennies in the bucket to defray further expenses (they're seemingly endless — a perfect example of it being a good thing not to know what you're getting into, or you'd be too afraid to do it), you can hit the PayPal button in the upper right corner or go to Wings's GoFundMe page, here.

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.


  1. I'm psyched for both of you - and for the fact that the GFM meter has risen from 103% to 107%. :)

  2. Sorry about the cold and running out of time. Sent you a little $ cushion via paypal.

  3. Ack! Sorry to hear about the nutty weather. Sending lots of love and positive energies for the show! And you can tell Wings that a certain moonstone cuff has only been leaving my wrist when I sleep. :-)
