Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Something Devastating and Yet Beautiful

Photo copyright Ajijaakwe, 2014; all rights reserved.
An online friend from Daily Kos has a heartbreaking diary up. Since I can't get a comment to post there, I'll put this here. Someday, if the time is right, he'll find it.

I knew only a bit about the struggles newpioneer and his beloved Juan, beautiful souls both, have faced in recent years. I did know that Juan had been battling cancer intermittently for years, but I had no idea that things had taken this turn. 

[As an aside, that's another stark reminder to me to stop being so self-absorbed: When someone's name unexpectedly crosses my mind for any reason, as newpioneer's did a month or so ago, for the love of all that's holy, reach out.]

On Sunday, Juan lost his battle with the malignant invader colonizing his body. Now newpioneer begins a new stage of his own life's journey, without his beloved partner, and as he put it, now he has to figure out how to put the pieces back together without Juan.

The diary is something very special. The pain emanates from the very letters, and they will rend your heart. But even more, so emanates the beauty of the great love these two shared — share. Because while Juan's body may have gone to Spirit, his own spirit remains embodied in the huge and glorious love that so clearly lives in newpioneer's heart.

It will make you weep. But go read. Leave him a note of support. Let him know that his online family loves him and will be here to help.

And my friend, should you read this here, know that you and Juan and all your animals are in my heart. You can always, always come to me: to remember, to witness, to weep, to be silent. Whatever you need, I'll be here.

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