Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Yes, I'm going to make a pest of myself.

Right up until April 15th, probably.

We're a fifth of the way there via GoFundMe, plus some more via PayPal. Still a way to go.

Wings is spending the morning at the framer's, signing the matting on each print before the framing gets done. I'll be alternating between muck duty and the program guide and taking care of Lilith. I'll check in as I can today, but it'll be with less frequency than usual. 

In the meantime, all I ask is that you spread the link around: Like and share on Facebook, Tweet, re-post/cross-post elsewhere — there's even a widget you can embed to do that, in the upper right section of the GoFundMe page. And for peeps who don't like WePay, you can always hit the PayPal button at the upper right on this site.

Chi miigwech and ta'a from both of us to all you beautiful people who have helped in one way or another already. We're in your debt.

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