Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Even Ice is inside the stall this morning.

A Raven in the Snow
Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

That photo is from last month, but that's what it looks like this morning. Well, almost.  There's actually much more snow on the ground, and Raven is safely indoors, curled up on a dog bed.

Last night, the farrier said he'd see us early this morning, provided that we didn't have a blizzard. No farrier's visit today. In mid-May, it qualifies as a blizzard when you wake up before 5AM to two inches already on the ground, more coming down steadily, and a bitter Northeast wind blowing up a white-out. Bad enough, actually, that it drove Ice fully into the conjoined stall for the first time ever. When I went outside a while ago, the other two were outside; he was fully inside it, staring out at me calmly but showing exactly no inclination to step out into the weather.

Which at least means that after the pain yesterday's trip inflicted on my body, I don't have to spend hours standing out in the cold and blowing snow, holding five horses in succession in place while they get pedicures. I imagine Cree will get hers done tomorrow, regardless, but I can manage it for one horse. The weather's supposed to be vastly different tomorrow anyway (and near 80 by the weekend).

Still, never enough hours in the day.  I'm gonna need more coffee.

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