Friday, May 9, 2014

Fineena: Almost home. Let's get her the rest of the way there.

Photo copyright Fineena; all rights reserved.

This is Fineena's new house. Well, we hope it's hers

After surviving a heart attack and other serious medical problems all while being evicted by a particularly nasty landlord, living out of a motel, boarding her beloved four-legged family members at the vet's, and just having life cave in around her, she's still managed to poke her head out into the world, look around, and find a solution. This is it, and it's a sweet little place: just shy of 700 square feet, two bedrooms, hard-wood floors, a fully-fenced yard for the dogs (and a landlord willing to accept them), and, as she says, "about two streets over from where [she] grew up."

Can't get much more serendipitous than that.

To pay for deposits, first month's rent, utility hook-ups, dog boarding fees, motel expenses, and everything else involved in a sudden move, the total comes to something over three grand. A big chunk of that has already been raised, and she's managed to get the utility deposits paid already. At last count, $1,784 is still needed to take care of the rental fees and deposits, etc.

She's not asking for charity; she still has quite a few scarves and cowls in her etsy shop inventory of woven art (and gift certificates, too!). You can go there and buy something, get something absolutely beautiful for yourself or for a gift, and help a good cause. Something like this, one of the current objects of my lust:

Photo copyright Fineena; all rights reserved.
Nice, huh? There's a lot more here.

Or, if you truly don't need anything but you'd like to donate to help out, you can go to and enter her e-mail address: PALSKaren [at] aol [dot] com.

So lets reduce some of her stress, help her heal, get her reunited with her dogs, and get her housed in a safe place. Every little bit helps. And even if you're not in a position to give, you can share this link with everyone you know. Hey, you never know who might desperately need a gorgeous new scarf!

Chi miigwech.