Wednesday, May 7, 2014

This is Ana. Her human, Bobby, is my friend. They both need our help.

Photo credit Bobby and Juan; all rights reserved.

This is Ana. She's not so little now, but she's a spirit girl. She's survived some real horrors to grow into a beautiful, brave, sensitive horse.

My friend Bobby belongs to her. So did the love of Bobby's life, Juan, who lost his lengthy and courageous battle with cancer a few weeks ago.

And now they both need our help.

During Juan's final illness, Bobby did what any loving husband would do: He gave up everything to take care of Juan until his spirit moved on. That meant closing his restaurant, ceasing work as a professional chef, simply dropping everything to do the thousand and one things that needed doing during Juan's last weeks.

And now, he's about to lose everything they shared together — all their memories, bound up in their four-legged family members, the goats, the dogs, and the horses. Including Ana.

Sara R has a diary up for him, here, with more of the story. I'm hoping that we can talk him into crowdfunding efforts to save his family. [And, yes, they are family. Ours are, too, and I could no more sell them than cut off and sell a limb. I know this has to be killing him.] 

For now, go visit Sara's heartbreaking diary, and if you can donate, please do.  Go to and use his e-mail address, here:  nuevopionero [at] gmail [dot] com.

If there are new developments in terms of how to give, I'll post them here as soon as I know more.

Chi miigwech.

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