Saturday, May 17, 2014

Tomorrow Morning: The Online Retrospective of Wings's One-Man Show, Here

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

Yes, finally.

I still have a bit more to do on it: connecting text to make it flow, etc. But the hard part — the downloading, the photo editing, the uploading, the formatting, the captioning, all the time-consuming details required to make it look comprehensible — that's finally done.

Watch this space tomorrow morning, Sunday, May 18th.

It requires three separate posts to make ot work in any kind of manageable way: an introduction; a retrospective of the photography; and a retrospective of the silverwork. I'll be posting them in the obvious order: Introduction; Photography; Silverwork. What this means, of course, is that if you get here after I've posted all three, they'll appear on the page in reverse order.

Scroll down and start at the beginning. Trust me; you want to do it this way.

It's been a huge amount of work for seven months now. We both hope it winds up paying some financial dividends somewhere along the line. But either way, I am so proud of Wings and the art he creates, and I truly cannot way to share it with it.

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