Saturday, May 10, 2014

Winter is still coming, y'all. Let's help Fineena.

Photo copyright Fineena; all rights reserved.

So, I see some brilliant person took my advice and snapped up that cowl that I posted yesterday, the one made by my friend Fineena. It looks like maybe a few other pieces have sold, too. Very smart of you.

If you missed out on that one, here's another one of her pieces for you to lust after.

And, you, know, BUY.

Yes, I know for a lot of you it's basically summer already. The thought of winter scarves probably makes you itch. But she's got some gorgeous summer stuff on there, too — maybe I'll post some of those pieces later. But as Ned Stark would say, Winter is coming. And where else can you get a piece of fiber art handcrafted from "handspun yarn, hand dyed yarn, wool, novelty yarn, rayon, mohair, llama, [and] alpaca," all for $85 plus shipping and handling?

You can't.

Like a good Stark, you'll be prepared for when the snow flies again (it was flying here only two days ago, actually). Or you'll have one holiday gift already in the bag.

And Fineena will be that much closer to being no longer homeless: reunited with her beloved dogs and in that sweet little house I showed you yesterday.

At last look, she still needs a little more than $1,700 to make this happen. So c'mon. If you want to see the breakdown of expenses, go to my dear friend Avilyn's diary from yesterday.  Then share Avilyn's diary, share this post, share Fineena's etsy shop. Go shopping. Or, if you absolutely don't need anything but you still want to lend a hand, go to and use this e-mail address to donate to her:

Chi miigwech.


  1. As of this afternoon, she still needs $787 - 2/3rds of the way there. Hopefully by day's end, she'llhave the funds she needs to be secured in the new place, with her dogs.

  2. Update - her goal has been met! Thanks so much for signal boosting, and for everyone who helped out!

    1. That is SUCH wonderful news - I could not be happier for her! Thanks for letting me know, hon. And for everything you did to help her, too.
