Sunday, June 15, 2014

Announcing NDN Silver:

Yes, there's a change of name, although the Web site URL remains the same, as does the d/b/a.

Yes, there are a lot of glitches to be worked out, a lot of content to be uploaded, a lot of editing to be done. But the main gallery — Wings's own silverwork — is navigable. 

I'll be working on it all day today, so if you see an issue, give me a day or two before bringing it to my attention. Chances are I already know about it, but it all takes time, and I'm more than a little swamped. [And despite the platform, there will be no comments enabled, for obvious reasons. If I haven't gotten to a particular page yet to turn them off, please don't add one.]

In the meantime, please share the link — this link — with everyone you know. You never know who will need a belated Father's Day gift, a graduation or wedding gift, or simply something for him- or herself. Getting this up and running today is my own Father's Day gift to the love of my life, but I'd like to be able to give him something more substantial, like a few desperately-needed sales.

Thanks, everybody.

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