Tuesday, June 17, 2014

"Memories of a Penitent Heart": Final Hours to Fund an Important Film Project

Yeah, I dropped the ball on this one. I mean to begin promoting it a few weeks ago, when my Spirit Sister first brought it to my attention — got busy, got distracted, and completely forgot.

And now, there are only 31 hours left in the fundraising period.

And this is an important film project.

It's a young woman's story, as best she's been able to piece it together decades later, of her Uncle Miguel: In no particular order, Latino; Puerto Rican; Nuyorican; gay; HIV-positive; Catholic; heart transplant recipient.

Any one of those aspects of his identity would make for a compelling story; any two of them would would be critically intersectional. To combine them all, and more?

This is a film that needs to be made — for so many different communities and their members, for the people who move in and out of them and across them or live in some or all of them at once. And, yes, for loved ones and allies, too, who may "get it," or get part of it, but who need sometimes to be led more thoroughly through the individual steps of a person's life if they are really to begin to understand in any concrete, meaningful way what it is to live a life that is not of the dominant culture in some or many forms.

Thirty-one hours. That's all the time that remains, and the filmmaker, Cecilia Aldarondo, needs just over $12K to do it. So please: Share this link with your networks. You never know whose life, whose spirit will be moved by this story, and who will have the resources to help bring it to fruition.

Chi miigwech.

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