Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Two years ago this morning, . . .

Photo copyright Wings, 2007, 2014; all rights reserved.

Wings's brother, Roy Wayne Bernal, Black Shouting Water, walked on.

Here's what I said on this day last year, when I was still able to post "This Week In American Indian News" at Daily Kos:

It was one year ago this morning that Roy Wayne Bernal (Black Shouting Water) went to Spirit. 
Roy was a warrior for his people, a leader, someone who successfully walked in both worlds his entire life and made a difference while doing so. He was also Wings's brother.
But while the latter part of his identity is what was most important to us, the impact of the former is what's felt by Indians around the country, even if they've never heard his name. The imprint of his life enfolds Indian Country like a blanket, and in ways large and small, he dedicated his life to protecting and preserving the people and traditions he loved so much.
With that in mind, I've chosen for today news stories that touch on causes and issues that would have had particular resonance for Roy: the environment, justice, sovereignty, respect for our ancestors, and preservation of cultural traditions and customs. None of them has anything to do with Taos Pueblo, but all concern topics that were important to him. 
Today's edition is dedicated to the memory of Roy Bernal.

Roy and Carter knew each other, once upon a time. I like to think they're together again, doing what they've always done, helping the people. And probably dancing.

We love you and miss you, Roy.


  1. Please give my brother a hug from me and let him know I'm especially holding him in my heart today. May the memory and deeds of Black Shouting Water live forever.

  2. Please let Wings know I'm holding you all close.
