Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Corn and Clay

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

Very late today, for a whole host of reasons: interruptions, distractions, freezes and hangs and connectivity disruptions, server problems, bad weather, and four-leggeds.

For now, here's your pointer to today's entry at The NDN Silver Blog:  Earth and Sky, Sun and Soil, Water and Light. This is one is special because it highlights the work of Wings's aunt.

As always, social-media shares from the buttons at the bottom of the linked pages, and from the main page of Wings's site, are welcomed with gratitude.

And if you have a spare five floating around, please considering spending it here, via the PayPal address in the update at the top of the post, to help reimburse a kind vet who saved a sweet little four-legged's life.

Thanks, everybody.

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