Monday, July 28, 2014

Inventory Notes

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

There are some newly-available pieces on the Web site. 

Not new pieces, although I'll be posting one of those soon, too. These are pieces that had been marked "Reserved" as a favor to people who wanted to buy them. With one exception (and this is someone who discussed reserving an item with me just last week and has made arrangements, so that piece is safe), all of the others have just been returned to available inventory.

Some of these have been reserved, literally, for months. We can't afford to keep merchandise off the market when even partial payment is not forthcoming in an at-least-somewhat-timely fashion. We're actually very understanding about this sort of thing; we've worked with people over some very long periods so that they can get the pieces they want. But we can't hold things indefinitely with no contact and no deposit or partial payment of any sort.

So, a few items are once again available for sale: items in the Necklaces, Pins, and Rings Galleries, and a photograph from Wings's recent show. If you were interested in one of these, now's a good time to snap it up.

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