Wednesday, July 9, 2014

"Peaks and Waters"

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.
That's the name of today's entry over at The NDN Silver Blog on Wings's Web site.

It's also the name of the piece pictured above. There's a lot more than just the piece and its description at the link.

This will likely be it for me today. A major flare has been barreling down on me for some time now, and today seems to be the day that it decided to knock me off my feet, so to speak. I'll be fine; this happens periodically with my illness, and there's nothing to do except ride it out. But I may be mostly offline for a few days, other than posting his blog entries. If that's the case, don't worry if you don't see or hear from me; I'll be back as soon as I'm functional again.

In the meantime, all "likes," "shares," links, and other forms of getting the word out would be most welcome right now.  Thanks. 

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