Saturday, July 19, 2014

Sacred Blues: Part I

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

Back more or less on schedule today at The NDN Silver Blog, although I had difficulty with this morning's post. Not with the raw material of the subject at hand; with the effects of my autoimmune disease on my brain. 

But you don't always need words, or even sight, to appreciate art. And although both are a problem for me today, that in no way lessens my ability to feel the symbolism and spirit  inherent in today's featured piece.

It's the largest piece in a small collection that he created for his recent show. It filled a integral role there, but it also stands fully on its own, as he always intended. Tomorrow, I'll highlight the collection's other pieces.

Take a look: The beauty of the piece is worth seeing. And, as always, we'd be very grateful for any social-media shares and forwards, both from the post itself and from the main page of his site.


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