Thursday, July 24, 2014

#TBT: Horses!

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.
Yes, it's Throwback Thursday on social media, and today at The NDN Silver Blog, we're going way back: We're exploring the role of the horse in our cultures and our art.

No, it's not an all-encompassing discussion; it's a blog post, not a dissertation. But it covers a few aspects of both culture and art that you may not have known, and it does so with some really gorgeous photos of some really cool pieces.

I am absolutely buried withs tuff today and won't be around much, if at all. But we really need all the exposure we can get. So shares via the social-media buttons — not of this post or the Facebook shares, but of the actual links to the post on the site and to Wings's main page — are crucial. And they are welcomed with much gratitude.

And in a few minutes, I'm off an running, migraine notwithstanding. I'll see everyone later today. I hope.

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