Friday, August 29, 2014

Eagle Feathers In Alabaster

Photo copyright Aji, 2014;
all rights reserved.
Late again today — too much going on lately, and I'm still moving much too slowly — but today's Friday Feature is finally up at The NDN Silver Blog.

It's an introduction to an up and coming young carver, a distant relative. His late uncle and Wings were very close, and the nephew is carrying on in his uncle's footsteps as an artist. Two beautiful pieces, both priced very modestly.

Come and take a look, and if you're inclined, please share via the social media buttons at the bottom of the post, and also at the bottom of Wings's main page. We could use the exposure, and a few sales: The horses insist on being fed, the ingrates, and so we're dropping the hay tomorrow and baling on Tuesday. I swear, the money goes in one end of each animal and right out the other . . . .

Thanks, y'all.

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