Friday, August 1, 2014

Even in the harshest monsoon season, water is life.

Photo copyright Aji, 2014; all rights reserved.

That's the subject of today's post over at The NDN Silver Blog

The featured item is something to hold the water — practical, beautiful, traditional, and very modestly priced. The post itself comes out of events of yesterday. 

We're seeing climate change here, in real time, and the effects are  sobering, to say the least. We can no longer predict the boundaries of the monsoon season with any hard accuracy, nor do the storms follow their usual patterns as often. They're arriving at different times of day. sometimes earlier in the year, and like yesterday's storm, the large ones are often more rare, but more destructive when they do hit.

We were lucky.

Go take a look. See what this time of year can bring for us. But even with nature's brutality, one fact remains here: Water is life.

Shares very much needed and gratefully welcomed, both today's post (and any others that you might find worthy of sharing), and Wings's main page.

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