Sunday, August 10, 2014

Melding Symbol and Spirit

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.
The featured item in today's post at The NDN Silver Blog is a masterpiece, a melding of symbol and spirit in one breathtaking piece of wearable art.

Don't get me wrong; it's also expensive. Very expensive. The amount of labor involved alone is staggering. Add to that the number and value of the stones, the sterling silver, and of course the indefinable qualities Wings adds himself, and you have something costly indeed. And collectible.

This piece genuinely does take my breath away every time I look at it. And I am not a "pink" person; never have been. I prefer brilliant jewel tones, blues and greens and reds, punctuated with black. But this . . . the way it comes together, I can't imagine the colors being anything else.

Come and take a look. There's a lot more in the post than simply the featured piece: more on the use of Dragonfly as a motif in Native art; on its identity as a symbol of love; on the role it plays as a messenger of the spirits. And, of course, this piece.

Shares via the social-media buttons at the bottom of the post itself, and of Wings's main page, are of course welcomed with our thanks.

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