Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Musings on Raised Hands

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

Today's post at The NDN Silver Blog is a bit of a departure. It does include the featured piece that I originally intended to use, the piece that sparked today's musings. But unlike most posts, it includes only the imagery and descriptive passages, no pricing information. When you read it, you'll see why.

It's not a post for selling material things. Instead, it's a meditation on recent tragic events and what a world might look like where the associated imagery is repurposed to entirely different ends.

It's not exactly a pleasant post. There's too much pain explored in it for that. But it does offer a shift in the visual frame, as artists are wont to do — a shift that desperately needs to be made manifest in our world, today.

For the sake of our children. Even unto the seventh generation.

Shares of this one are especially welcomed with our thanks. 

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