Wednesday, August 27, 2014

One hit too many, for now . . . .

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.
I know I owe e-mails to a lot of you, and I know a lot of you keep asking how I am.

The short answer is that I am okay, but there are caveats.

Two weeks ago today, I sustained a concussion. Quite a severe one. It was a freak accident with one of the horses: I wasn't thrown, she wasn't spooked, and I was handling everything safely, as I usually do. Yet somehow, she managed to cross a space of 18 inches in a split second, at top speed and at just the wrong angle, to slam the bony protrusion above her eye full force into the upper edge of my forehead. 

It was hard enough to knock me literally (yes, in the literal sense of that word, too) off my feet. The kind of initial shock, and then immediate pain, that also literally takes your breath away. And no, I'm so not in the mood for lectures about all the things I should or shouldn't be doing. I did everything right in the ensuing days, and Wings has been watching over me like the proverbial hawk (and yes, he's taking very good care of me).

But I'm not fifteen anymore [stop laughing], and I don't bounce back from hits like this as easily, either. It's affecting me physically, affecting my ability to think, to concentrate, to get things done. It's affecting my moods.

And so while you'll see me continuing my daily posts over at The NDN Silver Blog (and let me tell you, has that ever been . . . um . . . interesting to try to maintain since the hit), and you may even see me elsewhere occasionally, don't necessarily expect to see me unless and until you see me, and if I don't get back to you right away, this is why. Another week, and maybe I'll be back to full function again.

[And please, no sympathy comments, because then I will feel compelled to respond, and I don't have the energy, and that will stress me further.  This is purely an FYI kind of post for our peeps. Thanks.] 


  1. I think we should do another healing rit for you when Charles gets home, when it's cool enough in the evening to do a working. No response necessary unless it's NOT OK.
