Sunday, August 3, 2014

Serpent Tails/Serpent Tales

Photo copyright wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

Very late today; there are some days when you just can't cadge ten minutes at a stretch to do what needs to be done, and this has been one of them.

Today's post at The NDN Silver Blog was inspired by last week's visitor. I don't know whether the's the same visitor we had two summers ago, or perhaps a clansman. Either way, he was big and bold and brightly colored. He was also a threat to the chickens, so Wings carried him away on a pitchfork and set him off in a new direction.

There's a lot in there today: memories of visitations past; stories and references to ways much older yet; musings on what we can learn from such visitors. and, of course, all of ti through the lens of some gorgeous silverwork. Go see what you think. I find all our visitors interesting and educaitonal, from snakes to salamanders to skunks and everything in between.

Shares from the social media buttons at the bottom of the post itself are needed and welcomed with gratitude, as are shares of Wings's main page.


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