Friday, September 19, 2014

Come and Meet Our Latest Native Artist!

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.
Today at The NDN Silver Blog, it's our Friday Feature, and it's something incredibly exciting. It's also something that is incredibly important to us personally: We're introducing you to a new artist — new to us carrying her work, that is. She's neither new at art nor new to us personally; she's Wings's niece, and she's an incredible talent and a  wonderful human being.

So come and meet Taos Pueblo potter Camille Bernal, look at some of her latest gorgeous work — and please, share it with everyone in your networks. She already gets quite a bit of local and regional exposure, but we'd like her to be known by our circle of friends and client base, and by all of their friends and family, as well. Please go to this link and share it, whether via the social-media buttons at the bottom or by copying and pasting the link. Shares of Wings's main page are welcomed, too.

Chi miigwech and ta'a from both of us.

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