Monday, September 22, 2014

"Greeting the World": An Image to Make Monday Better

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

Today, it's something all new at The NDN Silver Blog — and yet, of course, the lessons the image offers as old as time itself.

It's really an incredible shot, and he only got it because these delicate creatures trusted him enough to allow it.

Shares of the post itself, and of Wings's main page, welcomed with our thanks.

I really don't know when I'll be back to full function. We're putting in long hours here, and the daily posts for his site are all I can squeeze in right now. 


  1. Amazing shot! Sent you some messages. Reply when you can, otherwise, be well!(Katherine)

    1. E-mail messages? That's theonly thing I'm using. as I said 3 weeks ago, no DK, FB, or Twitter (except for widgets for the latter two). Too much damage, and I've been forbidden for my health and the health of the site at this point. As I said then, e-mail & our site contact form are the only way to reach me now.

    2. Email it is, then, Nimisenh. Love and healing energies to you and supportive energies to all of you. Email me if I can help out in any way.

    3. Thanks, hon. After all the disruption and destruction of recent weeks, I'm taking his words to heart. We just don't need, and I won't accept, that sort of added grief right now. Whatever attacks people think are okay to launch at me, it's utterly unacceptable to bring him into it.

    4. Katherine, again, I need you to e-mail me. It's the only way for me to get messages, and I don't have your e-mail address.You can use the contact page on the site - mine is there, as well as the form, which goes directly to me. I don't have an address to send that item (unless you want me to send it to you to forward to the recipient?).
