Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Really just a programming note:

Photo copyright Wings, 2007, 2014; all rights reserved.

Today's edition of Turquoise Tuesday will likely be late, perhaps very late. The truck blew a hose just as Wings was pulling in yesterday afternoon, and the mechanic is already here to take a look (and probably tow it a mile up the road to his place). We have an appointment at 1:00 that's likely going to take a while. And my brain is, of course, not exactly operating at full function these days.

It's also the seventh anniversary of the day we lost the little girl above. It's why I hate this day; while it's associated with San G in everyone else's minds, to us, it's inextricably intertwined with the our first loss of animal together. I've written about BearGirl before; she was a beautiful spirit, and we both still miss her every day. 

If I can get today's Turquoise Tuesday post up before we have to leave about noon, I will; if not, it'll be this evening.


  1. {{{{Aji}}}}

    Good luck with everything. You're in my thoughts.

  2. {{{{{{{{aji and wings}}}}}}} from all the creatures who love you here and on another plane...
