Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Season of the Buffalo

Photo copyright Aji, 2014; all rights reserved.
Today at The NDN Silver Blog, it's the Season of the Buffalo. Not literally; it's simply one of the meanings that the period of Indian Summer-into-Fall holds for me personally.

The post is a straightforward feature today, built around the piece you see in the photo above. It's beautiful, and it has the added quality of being very modestly priced.

Everything seems to be fine now, so take a look, see what you think, see what the season brings to mind for you. Shares of the post itself, and of Wings's main page, are welcomed with our thanks. 

We'll be outside hauling, loading, and stacking bales.


  1. The necklace part of that one reminds me of corn kernels, in a way. Hope you're getting better with each day. I'd say don't overdo it, but you do what you have to, as you always have and will.

  2. LOL — yes, dear. Not much help for that, I'm afraid. But as to the "corn": Bingo! We have artisans who do beadwork in the corn motif with these tiny beads (none whose work we carry at the moment, but I've seen some beautiful stuff along those lines).
