Thursday, September 25, 2014

#TBT to be late, and a request.

Today's #TBT post at The NDN Silver Blog is going to be late today — perhaps very late. My frustration with connectivity and other issues here is approaching levels that are dangerous for my blood pressure.

We're working desperately to get the gallery back up and running. Unfortunately, that takes money, which means sales, and sales are nonexistent right now. So please share the links to Wings's site with your networks. Much as I hate the retail phenomenon of holiday marketing even before October, for artists who create entirely by hand, the holidays are approaching faster than anyone realizes. 

Which raises another point: Folks who want to commission something for holiday gifts and orders need to start that process NOW. The creative process can take weeks, and the closer we get to the holidays, the greater the number of competing client demands on his attention. For Christmas orders, if you're going to want something made to order, as opposed to buying from existing inventory, the design discussions need to begin weeks, even months, in advance.

And a couple of folks with orders in the pipeline already need to e-mail me via the Web site Contact form with your shipping info.

Everyone else:  Please, share the links.  Not the link to this post, and not the Facebook link; the actual Web site links. Wings's main page is here; the main page of the blog section is here.


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