Friday, October 3, 2014

Need a little help here (Griffin) . . . .

Photo copyright wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

He always waits until after hours on a weekend, so that it costs more.

Actually, it doesn't matter; for Griffin, we would move heaven and earth. But he could use a little help from his friends tonight.

Just got back from an emergency trip to the vet; driving at sunset and nighttime with post-concussion syndrome has blown my migraine (4 days straight, this time around) back into the open with full force. The good news is that he's improving.

It appears to be an apparently very severe flare of his CVS. It's possible that he had either a seizure or a stroke that set it off or occurred concomitantly with the beginning of the flare; no way to tell without an MRI, and that's beyond our means (and probably completely unnecessary stress for him, anyway). He had been in the studio with us, and fine; a few minutes later, we were getting ready to go in, and found She-Wolf worriedly standing guard over him in the field. He saw us and tried to get up, and collapsed.

Call feverishly for an available vet; get a 55-pound dog in clonus into the car, drive in in a panic. One prednisone/dramamine IM injection (and a weekend surcharge) later, and we're back home, with a pred scrip and instructions for an increased dramamine regimen (we've had him on it anyway).  So we''l see.

In the meantime, if you can spare some good vibes for Griffin, we'd all appreciate it.  Thanks.


  1. sending prayers and love and healing energy to this beautiful being... and to the beautiful ones who love and care for him...

  2. Will do when Charles gets home. He just called me and he'll be here pretty late. I feel it's important and will result in a better working if we blend our energies to send them to you. Any four-legged here who wants to participate will add to that, and Ghost is very curious as she observes me clearing myself in preparation.

    No boats at all are docking at Southworth (our end of the ferry route) today because someone drove his car off the end of the dock! There are emergency vehicles, sheriffs and state patrol, water rescue, etc. all over the place down there, apparently. Charles and two other guys got lucky; a woman at least one of them regularly commutes with is driving them all back to where their cars are. He may be home as late as around 10 pm, so if you feel some late-night energy coming Griffin's way, that'll be us. Now speaking of help, do you need some help with the unexpected vet bills?

  3. Will do that for Griffin, Aji. Good vibes to you, too.

  4. ((Aji Sis, Wings Bro, and Griffin)) Love and Hugs and Strength and Healing, H

  5. Sending healing energies to {{{Griffin}}} and to {{{you & Wings}}} as well.

  6. Thanks, everybody. No one who hadn't seen him last night would be able to tell, but he's actually much improved this morning. This boy is my soul mate; he's been with me for all but the first 5.5 months of his life, and as nearly as I'm able to estimate his birthday, he turned 14 three days ago. Since the initial CVS attack on Easter Sunday, he's had gate and head-tilt issues that relapse and remit in terms of severity, but we've been controlling it pretty well. He mostly still runs around like a puppy. So we want to keep him able to do that as long as possible.

  7. Glad to hear he's so greatly improved. May it continue!
