Monday, October 27, 2014

#NotYourRedskin, #NotYourMascot, #NotYourstoWhitewashAway

Image credit:  Mother Jones Magazine

On a day when I find myself, once again, in the unenviable position of having my life, my very self, whitewashed out of existence, I also find myself about to do something completely out of character: Root for the Dallas Cowboys.

Yes, it's the Washington Racists at Cowboy Stadium tonight, and while I have no love for Jerry Jones or any part of his organization, for once I hope Tony Romo's got his head on straight tonight. I don't know how much of the game we'll be able to watch; it's next to impossible for us to tolerate the redface and the fake war chants and the tomahawk chops anymore. But we'll at least be checking in, if only to support the #BraidUp/AIM Central Texas and #EONM protestors outside and inside the stadium. I may hit Facebook and the Twitters occasionally, if I feel the need to say something, so shares and retweets would be appreciated. It'll be more of the same on Sunday, since Haskell and other groups are apparently busily helping to provide cover to the Kansas City Thiefs. [Yes, I know it's not correct pluralization. It's still their name in this household.]

And I'll just say for the record, right here, right now:  I am not going away. I will continue to write, to speak, to be who and what I am, every day. I've danced this dance my whole life, and I'm not about to stop because my existence is inconvenient.


  1. "And I'll just say for the record, right here, right now: I am not going away. I will continue to write, to speak, to be who and what I am, every day. I've danced this dance my whole life, and I'm not about to stop because my existence is inconvenient."

    Huzzah! Hooray!!

    We're joining you in rooting for Dallas even though we never do for any other reason, ESPECIALLY because they just beat the Seahawks at the Clink(!), because we will never ever root for the Racists. Hadn't thought of the Kansas City Thiefs myself but I can guarantee you we'll be using that from now on ourselves if that's not appropriative. I will probably go back and forth between the Twitterstorm and the game but we'll both be rooting *loudly* for Tony Romo despite everything.

    1. YES!!! Take it and run with it, with my blessing. LOL - my line on Twitter and elsewhere during their games is "De-Chief and De-Thief." Use that, too, if you want it.

  2. I sure do, Nimisenh, and I will. Love to you and to my brother!
