Monday, October 13, 2014

On Indigenous People's Day, We Are #NotForSale

Photo copyright Aji, 2014; all rights reserved.
As promised, Wings's has issued a public statement today, choosing to speak on Indigenous People's Day to call for unity of spirit in action in  opposing appropriation and theft, and the ongoing cultural destruction inflicted by mascotry and minstrelsy, racism and redface.

Originally, he had planned to issue a broader message, but yesterday's events required him to revise a bit. It's now focused more pointedly on the issues outlined above. I should note here that his actions are not intended to penalize artists of the nations mentioned; indeed, every one of them has long since been paid in full for the art that we removed from inventory yesterday. But when Indian nations' leadership pursue deals for political ends that have the effect of selling our collective histories and present and selling out our children's future, he feels that he must use the one avenue open to him as a Native artist to apply pressure to such leaders to reverse course and conduct themselves with honor. His statement is intended to call on his fellow artists across Indian Country to join him.

It is also intended to support the work of #EONM, a Native women-led organization that works daily, tenaciously and tirelessly, to call attention to these ongoing wrongs and to right them through education. It is their shirt he wears in the photo above. I likewise wear the shirt, and support the work with my own voice and actions.

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.
Please share his statement with all your networks.

Ta'a and chi miigwech from both of us.

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