Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Path Is a Hoop

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

Now up at The NDN Silver Blog, something different today, and something important. It's October, which means that it's National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. It's an issue close to both our hearts, and so today's post is devoted, in its own way, through the filter of Wings's art, to a discussion of the topic.

Because of the topic, there's no sale information in today's post; it doesn't feel right. What there is, at the bottom, is a request to our family and friends and clients to get involved. If you need help locating an organization in your area, or one that specializes in a particular set of sub-issues or campaigns, contact me. I'll help you find one.

And of course, because this post deal with an issue that is truly a matter of life and death, we hope you'll share it on that basis.

Chi miigwech and ta'a.

1 comment:

  1. Nimisenh and my beloved brother, the two of you need to know that domestic violence is within our family via me. I am sure this is not news to you, Nimisenh, because I've written about it piecemeal here and there, but I don't know if my favorite brother knows. I didn't know you had experienced it too, Nimisenh, but I wish I had known you then so I could shield you from violence. May Spirit protect and keep you both whole. The work you have done is increasingly important. Thank you, and much love to both of you.
