Monday, December 29, 2014

Holiday Gifts: For a Prosperous New Year

Photo copyright Aji, 2014; all rights reserved.
At long last, today's post is up at The NDN Silver Blog, and it's the last entry in our Monday seasonal series on small holiday gifts. Not easy to stay focused today; too many markers of loss this month, and another added only yesterday.

I hate asking this, but in light of the economy, there's really no choice. We're winding up the worst holiday season, sales-wise, that we've ever had. And it's not just us; the entire region is hurting. I had to go into town a couple of days before Christmas, and I've never seen it so thoroughly dead. But that means that we have none of our usual, if small, cushion for getting through the winter months, and the bills come relentlessly due regardless. I'm going to have to push shares in the weeks to come with every bit as much effort as during the holidays, in hopes of generating enough online business to keep us going through the winter. 

So here's the post for today, and here's Wings's main page. Rather than sharing my own Facebook posts, please go to those two links and share them, either via the widgets at the bottom of each page, or by copying and pasting the URLs. And if you feel like offering a testimonial when you do, that'd be welcome, too.  Thanks, everybody, from both of us.

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