Sunday, December 28, 2014

One Year On

Yesterday was a difficult day here: in practical terms, because virtually the entire day was spent thawing frozen things and clearing snow in the bitter cold; in other terms, because it was an especially poignant anniversary. I was never able to set aside enough time to focus properly on its meaning.

One year ago yesterday, Carter Camp walked on. It's a loss that will not grow less acute with time. As I said of him then, he was so much to us:
Warrior — for his own Ponca nation, and for all of us. Hero. Leader. Teacher. Elder. Friend. Brother. 
Wings and I loved him, and if we mourn him as we do, I can only imagine the depths of the grief and the sense of loss that those closest to him must still feel.

And so, on these cold winter days, when the world is a little colder yet for his absence, we are burning cedar for him, sending the smoke and our prayers skyward, bearing our love and respect for his life, his legacy, his towering spirit.

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