Sunday, December 14, 2014

Willow Ice

Photo copyright Aji, 2014; all rights reserved.
That's what it looked like 3.5 hours ago. About a half a foot of snow on the ground, melting fast early on, freezing hard overnight. It's going to get very cold tonight.

I know I owe e-mails to a bunch of y'all.  I promise to try to get to as many as possible tomorrow. I still seem to be fighting this bug, and between that and the effects of drastic weather changes on my AI disease, everything takes me longer right now. And, of course, there are all the time pressures of this season for us. Just bear with me.

For now, I'm about ready to pack it in. I've got gallery-related stuff to write before I fall asleep over my laptop. I'll have more posts to be shared starting tomorrow morning, and of course, we hope that makes a few much-needed holiday sales. See you in the morning, after I've set up strong coffee on an IV drip.

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