Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.

Is so easy

A trick of the light
Of the mind
A sleight of hand and blink of eye

And then I am invisible

To you

But it's the invisibility of artifice
Of what you have created of whole cloth
Of smoke and mirrors
Of the hobgoblins of your own mind

Why does my existence bedevil you so?

Your discomfort is palpable
A living, breathing, pulsating thing
It stands between you and the world as it is
And it is your discomfort that necessitates my erasure

You are not accustomed to it
You are accustomed to being able to mold
The world into a shape that is pleasing to your sight
One that discomfits you not at all
Nor disturbs your rest
Nor your self-satisfied and self-congratulatory existence

But my existence does not depend on what you wish to see

Yes, you can draw a veil over me
Like fog, like snow, a wisp of smoke
A pencil wielded by god itself
The eraser end scrubbing out your view of me
Rendering your worldview comfortable again

And yet, I remain

As the fog hides the mountains
As the snow covers the earth
You can see neither, yet both are there
And will be there long after we are gone

Like them,

I live
I breathe
I work
I write
I love

I am here

I am

Despite your best efforts.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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